Wednesday, May 16, 2012

UPDATE: Look Who's Playing Golf on June 1st

Major props to Dominic Randolph and John Provost for putting out the call and rounding up some of their boys (some young guns and some not so young guns) to come out and join The  Purple Brotherhood on June 1st. 

Also high five to Kevin Connolly and John Carr for getting involved. We have 70 golfers on board currently and we are looking to close strong over the next ten days so we have a fabulous outing on June 1st. 

For those who can not be with us in person (or you don't golf) please show your Purple blood by sponsoring a hole. (Details below) We have ten holes looking for sponsors!! HELP here is deeply appreciated.  (Call LuAnn Hennessy at 508-793-2584) 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Look Who's Playing Golf on June 1st

Fellow Crusaders, 

On June 1st at 9am would you rather be sitting at your desk wondering why you did not sign up to play in the HC Football Golf Outing. . . OR....

Hanging with a whole bunch of your favorite Purple brethren at BlackStone National. 

I mean...come I even need to ask that question? 

We have 60 players already signed up but looking for another 40 so we have a quorum so get INVOLVED!! 

If you cannot be with us in person, join us in spirit by sponsoring a hole or another item (details below)!!

Revised price points for younger grads...see details below...

Contact LuAnn Hennessy to get IN THE GAME!!....

Look who's already signed up to be playing golf on June 1st ...