In a world awash with far too many situations and individuals lacking genuine honor and real character, leave it to selected members of the Holy Cross Football Family for once again displaying a wealth of those virtuous traits in the remarks presented by the 2013 Holy Cross Ring of Honor inductees.
Allow me to provide a little bit of a preview of the remarks delivered by John Turco '70 on behalf of his Dad '52, by Tom Greene '59, and by Dave Quehl '76.
In the video link below you will hear references to and remarks touching upon: Eddie O' Melia and the O' Melia Award, Wally Bavaro, Jim Healy, Joe Moore, Syracuse's Jim Brown, Dave Stecchi, Charlie Pachunas, the fact that "no opponent was feared", the pride of Holy Cross, Hop Riopel, Mel Massucco, Bart Sullivan and his arrival on Mt. St. James in 1912, Mother Teresa, Charlie Randolph and his Dominic, Joe Wilson, Bob Massa, games against West Point and the gray wave, the fact that as Vince Promuto said during his induction remarks in 2010 that Holy Cross is an Ivy League school with soul.
How refreshing, inspirational, and truly indicative of the pride and passion that defines the Holy Cross Football family.